
Advanced Inspection Services Ltd

2-20 Booth Drive
Park Farm Industrial Estate
United Kingdom

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Advanced Inspection Services (AIS) are Europe’s leading supplier of specialist product inspection and safety testing services. We provide customised x-ray inspection and contamination detection for manufacturers of food, pharmaceuticals, electricals, toys and other consumer products.
AIS adhere to the highest industry standards, guarantee absolute confidentiality and deal with product recovery problems as quickly and efficiently as possible. With state-of-the-art technologies and expert technicians, we can guarantee a higher level of contamination detection performance than any of our competitors and help your business to avoid customer complaints, safety scares and product recalls which can so often damage a company’s reputation.
We make it our mission to get your product back into the distribution chain as quickly as possible, keeping disruption to an absolute minimum and keeping your business running smoothly. However, safety is always our first concern.
Find out more about our services on the AIS website.

Canned Food Inspection

It is often difficult to detect the presence of foreign bodies after a can has been filled, particularly if it is a metallic contaminant. AIS uses the most advanced x-ray inspection techniques to detect fragments down to 1mm in size - including stone, glass and bone pieces – within a single can. We also provide specialist facilities to detect instances of under-fill and low-sauce fill, and in-case inspection. AIS technologies provide a much higher level of detection performance than typical on-line equipment, offering outstanding continuity of quality standards.

Glass Contamination In Food

Glass is a popular packaging solution because of its cleanliness and quality; however, it may still be susceptible to contamination. AIS uses advanced x-ray equipment to detect the presence of glass contamination in jars, bottles and other glass containers, allowing our expert technicians to detect large glass or metal parts in trays of products, or smaller glass, stone and metal fragments in single containers. The same technologies can also be used to detect certain types of neck and container faults. Find out more about our glass contamination detection and glass packaging inspection services on the AIS website.

Foil Wrapped Food Inspection

The use of foil packaging is becoming increasingly common in the food manufacturing industry. Some items of packaging - in particular sachets and plastic and foil trays - incorporate superior metalised films that make detecting the presence of contaminants difficult when using conventional metal detection techniques, however, our x-ray inspection systems offer fast and efficient contaminant detection in all types of foil packaging – even in frozen food. AIS' equipment is able to detect large metal or dense fragments in whole cases, or small metal, glass, stone or bone fragments within individual packs. It can also be used to detect electrical cable coverings and other dense plastics and rubber.

Bakery & Confectionery Food Contamination Detection

Bakery and confectionery products are susceptible to many of the same food contamination problems as other food products, however there are some problems that are specific to these types of product alone. At AIS, we use customised product safety and x-ray inspection facilities to deal with these specific food contamination control issues. They allow us to discover the smallest contaminants such as stainless steel sieve wire fragments, can easily detect minerals, stones and glass, carry out product agglomerate detection in coated cereal products, and recover under-filled pies or missing components in multi-pack food products.

Pharmaceuticals X-Ray Inspection

For pharmaceutical and personal care product manufacturers it is essential to maintain the very highest standards of public safety. We understand the challenges you are facing, and make safety and efficiency our top priority at all times. To meet the high standards required by the industry, we use the most advanced and effective x-ray systems that cover a range of special product recovery problems including contaminant detection in packaging and medical dressings, detection of missing tablets in blister packs or missing instruction leaflets, and recovery of incorrectly assembled devices or incomplete packs.

Toy Recovery & Inspection Services

Due to the nature of their use and the potential dangers involved, children’s toys and games require the strictest attention when it comes to safety. AIS provides a fast, reliable and accurate toy safety testing service - able to detect the presence of metals and other foreign bodies, missing or broken parts, and fully inspect the goods without disturbing the packaging.

Electrical & Industrial Inspection Services

Electrical goods manufacturers also have to comply with the highest levels of product safety in order to protect the consumer. We understand the challenges faced, and provide a fast, reliable and accurate safety testing and screening service - at any stage of the electrical product recall - adhering to a strict ‘safety first’ policy. AIS also offer non-destructive testing (NDT) services for manufacturers who require inspection of aluminium alloy, ceramic and carbon composite components. For more information, please get in touch.

AIS - 24 hour turnaround

At AIS, we understand the value of a fast-turnaround. We offer a 24 hour Rapid Response product testing service to help you get your product back into the distribution chain as quickly as possible, without ever compromising on consumer product safety. If you would like to take advantage of our unique services, including ‘while you wait’ evaluations, please get in touch on 01933 674030.



Registration Number: 03546832
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:16 April, 1998 (26 years and 1 month ago)
No of Employees: 1-10
Annual Turnover: 200-500k
Company Type:
  • Service Providers

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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Company Certifications

ISO 9000:2015 - Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary

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