

3c High Street
PH26 3HB
United Kingdom

  • Mrs Katie Fenton - Partner


Aviemore is an SEO specialist helping businesses throughout Scotland and beyond improve their “searchability”. Simply put, we make it easier for customers to find you online!

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a way of improving your online presence so that potential customers are more likely to find you in the results pages of search engines like Google or Bing. The higher you appear on the results page, the greater your chances of being seen. Simple.

There are a number of techniques that can be used to improve your position in search engine results pages, some of which are more effective than others. We don’t waste your time with guesswork and guarantees. Instead, we use tried and test methods, proven skills and qualifications, providing high quality SEO and internet marketing services that deliver the results you expect - on time and within budget. 

We’ve worked with all kinds of companies from a wide range of industry sectors, helping them win business by improving their visibility online. More and more organisations are realising the importance of effective SEO in their overall marketing strategy. We’re here to make sure they get it right first time!

Google Services

It’s important that you have a ‘clean’ account when using Google to market your business online. Rarely does a customer come to us with no Google account whatsoever; most of the time they have multiple accounts, and each Google service is accessed via a different Google account. 

We’ll start by working with you to get them all into one account. Sometimes this might mean starting from scratch (though this is not always ideal, especially if you have had Google Analytics running on your website to one account). 

Always choosing the most obvious and least complicated option, we’ll help you to get your Google Places listing sorted, your Google Analytics working correctly, your Google AdWords reporting to Analytics, and so on and so forth...

If you would like to know more about Google Services, just give the Aviemore team a call on 0845 125 9704. 

Google Analytics

Monitoring and measuring your website’s performance is key to the success of any online marketing campaign – you need to know how much traffic your site is getting, how users are reaching it, and what pages of your site are being looked at. If you don’t know the answers to any of these questions, how do you know if your latest campaign has had an effect or not? 

One of the best systems for tracking, evaluating and acting on your key site data is Google Analytics. But like most things, it only works if you know how to use it and what to look for. That’s where Aviemore can help. We offer an ‘Introduction to Google Analytics’ training session that covers;

  • Accessing Accounts & Profiles
  • Users & Admin
  • Key Reports & Options
  • Individual Site Metrics & Conversion Indicators (site specific)
  • Custom Dashboards & Reports
  • Goals & Funnels
  • Event Tracking
  • Report Exporting & Scheduling
  • General Google Analytics & SEO Q & A Session

To find out more, just give us call on 0845 125 9704.

Newsletters with Mailchimp

At Aviemore, we’re often on the receiving end of badly laid out emails from companies we had previously respected, as well as from those we’ve never even heard of. It’s because the former had shared our email address with the latter, and everyone else in their address book for that matter! Needless to say, we’re completely put off by such companies. With this in mind, we started using a professional online newsletter facility that made sure we followed all the rules and regulations regarding mailshots. We use this same facility to ensure you follow them too...

Mailchimp allows us to set up a branded template that gives your business the professional touch you require, and also enables us to ‘clean’ your database of contacts to make sure you only have a list of people who really want to hear from you. Find out more about Mailchimp by visiting Aviemore Business Solutions online. 

Google AdWords

Google AdWords are essentially paid-for adverts that appear at the top of and to the right of search results in Google. The amount you spend on AdWords is set by you, the customer, based on our recommendations of what we think will bring the maximum return on investment. It’s important, however, that your expectations are realistic – for example, if you’re looking to promote your hotel, there’s little point in using the word ‘hotel’ as your AdWord, since you’ll be competing with every other hotel in the world!

Instead, you need to think about geographical location and other elements that define your business. ‘Luxury hotel in Edinburgh’ is far more likely to bring a return. We’ll work with you to set up a campaign that’s targeted and relevant - a campaign that delivers tangible results. Visit Aviemore Business Solutions online to find out more. 

Search engine optimisation services

The key to successful SEO lies in making sure the process is planned, implemented and delivered. We use proven processes and techniques that we know to be effective. 

  • Planning – we recommend an SEO strategy based on keyword research, market and competitor analysis and current site analysis. 
  • Implementation – once the strategy is agreed we’ll put in place the required SEO techniques. These include content optimisations, on-page optimisations, search engine directory submissions, link building, PPC advertising, social media set up and training. 
  • Delivery – using Google Analytics, we’re able to monitor the performance of your website and measure the effect the SEO techniques are having on website traffic. Adjustments can then be made as required. 

Social Media Marketing

If you’re not involved in social media then you’re missing out on a free marketing tool that can potentially bring thousands of new people to your website. What’s more, you might be losing out to a competitor who is involved in social media. 

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+...the list goes on – but each of them is effective in their own way. Not all of them may be suitable for your business, so we’ll help you identify those which you ought to be using and those which aren’t entirely necessary. We’ll also help you set up an effective social media marketing strategy for the best possible results. 

Website design

Aviemore Business Solutions is more than just an SEO specialist: we’re an online marketing specialist, which means we can help with virtually all web-based promotional activities. This includes website design, development and hosting. From a simple, static webpage to a full-blown ecommerce site, we can design and deliver the website you want, quickly and cost-effectively. We’ll also help you choose a domain name, which in today’s day and age is a lot more complicated than you might think! 

To find out more about our website design services, please visit Aviemore Business Solutions online or contact us directly on 0845 125 9704.

Sub-Contract SEO Services

Aviemore offers SEO services, social media services and other “off-the-shelf” packages for designers, programmers and other web companies at a price that makes it affordable for them to provide SEO and internet marketing as part of a general web services package. By subcontracting your SEO services, you have the potential to streamline your operations, lower your costs, maximise profits, and become more competitive in the marketplace. Find out more about our B2B SEO services by visiting Aviemore Business Solutions online.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: GB130 6107 62
No of Employees: 1-10
Annual Turnover: n/a

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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